Presente sustentável com luzes atrás

11 sustainable gifts for your Christmas

Do you want this Christmas to be different and more sustainable but don't know how? Discover 11 sustainable gifts and surprise your loved ones.
Mão de pessoa a colocar uma moeda no porco mealheiro, para retratar o tema sobre como poupar

How to save at home? We give you 7 ideas

Savings are increasingly important in our daily lives. But how to save at home? Get to know some ideas.
Mãos de senhora a limpar os vidros com um pano

How to clean the windows and mirrors in your home?

They exist in several rooms, but do you know how to clean the glass and mirrors in your home? We give you some tips to take care of them in the best possible way and without difficulties.

Fraldas reutilizáveis na zona de muda de fraldas, para retratar o tema de como lavar fraldas reutilizáveis

How to wash reusable diapers: process and detergent

Reusable diapers are already a choice for many families, but how can you wash your baby's reusable diapers in a sustainable way? Discover the ecological detergents that will help you.
Família a ver um filme de natal

5 Christmas films to watch with the family

Do you like watching Christmas movies with your family but don't know which ones yet? We give you suggestions for films and even sustainable chocolates! You know everything here.
Pessoa a colocar detergente convencional no doseador

Environmental impact of conventional detergents

The environmental impact of conventional detergents is a reality but there are already environmentally friendly alternatives: ecological detergents. You know everything here.
Fotografia de toalha, óculos, chinelos e chapéu na praia, para umas férias sustentáveis

5 Ideas for a sustainable vacation

If you've already booked your vacation or are still deciding, don't forget to pack sustainability in your suitcase. We give you 5 ideas for sustainable holidays with the people you love most. Prepared? Let's go!
Peças de roupa para retratar o tema sobre dicas para cuidar da roupa

7 essential tips for taking care of your clothes

Taking care of your clothes is essential to increase their durability. Find out some tips and ways to care for each type of fabric.
Senhora a fazer compras a granel numa loja

Bulk purchases: the advantages of this choice

Bulk purchases are a way to reduce and reuse. But what are they? What are its advantages? Find out everything in this article.
Mão de pessoa a colocar fruta num saco para retratar o tema da importância de comprar produtos portugueses

The importance of choosing Portuguese products

Choosing Portuguese products has become increasingly important. But why should we opt for this choice? You know everything here.
Dois cientistas com fórmulas químicas para retratar o tema da importância da Ciência na sustentabilidade

The importance of Science in sustainability

Science can contribute to a greener future. But how important is it? And what is the relationship with EcoX? You know everything here.
Mãos de pessoa a segurar num frasco de Álcool Gel ecológico

Ecological Alcohol Gel: 4 protection tips for your daily life

Whether in the car, at home or at work, it is important to put into practice ways to protect ourselves. Discover the tips for protecting yourself with ecological Alcohol Gel here!